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Jersey Language Adventure Mission Statement :-) ... Come and learn English with us ;-)

At JLA we are passionate about English and we love adventure! We simply combined the two elements and our legendary English language and adventure programme was born. 🙂 Ten years on and we have perfected the recipe to ensure that your child’s language learning experience is a fantastic success. We don’t believe a better programme Jersey Language Adventure Mission Statement 🙂 … Come and learn English with us 😉

JLA, English and Adventure School ... "And then I realised, through adventure is the best way to learn"

10 English quotes that I’d like to share with you and say a big special thanks to this week’s English students (24th of July 2019), to the teachers and friends for your support and kindness in difficult moments. Lady “Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once” “The only impossible JLA, English and Adventure School … “And then I realised, through adventure is the best way to learn”

Make your English Stay a great Success!

Bevor Sie eine Sprachreise ins Ausland antreten, um Ihre Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern, sollten Sie die folgenden fünf Tipps beachten, die Ihnen bei Ihrem Projekt helfen: 1) Wählen Sie ein Buch in englischer Sprache; das Sie während Ihres Sprachaufenthalts mitnehmen möchten. Wählen Sie ein Buch, das Sie in Ihrer Muttersprache gelesen haben, oder ein Buch zu Make your English Stay a great Success!

English and Adventure 2019 | Summer Highlights at Jersey’s No1 English School

English and Adventure in 2019 As another summer approaches for JLA, we thought we’d take a look back at some of the highlights from 2019.  To remind us of the long summer evenings sitting round the fire at camp, the sunset barbecues on the beach, the (slightly) warmer waters, the rolling summer waves, the surf, English and Adventure 2019 | Summer Highlights at Jersey’s No1 English School