TAGGED WITH: Apprendre l’anglais Jersey UK

Séjours Linguistiques UK Anglais|Aventure 2016

Learn English in Jersey with Jersey Language Adventure. This is our colour series. We have brainstormed some interesting vocabulary, expressions, stories, jokes, and much more to help you learn English alone at home. Our English learning materials for learners and teachers alike can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/jerseylanguageadventure/ www.facebook.com/jerseylanguageadventure.com      

Endless Summer for Jersey English School

It’s the last week of summer for Jersey Language Adventure. We ended our 2016 summer season with an action packed week of English and Adventure with another amazing group of English students. And the sun never stopped shining. Our English courses run during the Easter holidays, during the long ten week summer holidays and in Endless Summer for Jersey English School

JLA Adventure Camp: 100% fresh air and fun!

Adventure Camp accommodation perfectly compliments JLA’s exciting and adventurous Young Learner programme. Staying on the Camp with David and his team is an educational roller coaster ride of fun and adventure. Camp life is filled with character building experiences, which will create memories to last a lifetime. David and Lady are your Adventure Camp ‘Leaders’. JLA Adventure Camp: 100% fresh air and fun!