Apprendre l'anglais Jersey | English Tenses Series | Present Simple

En préparation pour votre séjour linguistique avec Jersey Language Adventure , nous vous avons préparé une série d’explication des temps en anglais, tout en contexte avec nos programmes de l’anglais et de l’aventure.

Sujet du Present Simple c’est le Surf!

In English grammar, we use the present simple tense to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent, as well as for facts.

The Present Simple is used to talk about regular actions or events:

They surf together every day.

She doesn’t wax her surfboard very often.

The waves are usually best early in the morning.

Do you prefer to eat before or after going surfing?

The Present Simple is used to talk about facts.

There are many different kinds of waves.

Waves break when they hit the beach.

He surfs every day.

The surf in Jersey is often excellent.

The Present Simple for talking about future facts, often found in a timetable or a chart.

High tide on Thursday is at 18.00.

The surf competition starts at 10.00 tomorrow morning.

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