A day of English and adventure in the life of an English student at Jersey Language Adventure

A day of English and Adventure in the life of an English student at  JLA. For parents wondering what exactly their children will be doing whilst studying English with Jersey Language Adventure, here is a quick breakdown: Sunday Sunday is normally pick up and welcome day. Some of our students arrive by boat from St A day of English and adventure in the life of an English student at Jersey Language Adventure

Make your English Stay a great Success!

Bevor Sie eine Sprachreise ins Ausland antreten, um Ihre Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern, sollten Sie die folgenden fünf Tipps beachten, die Ihnen bei Ihrem Projekt helfen: 1) Wählen Sie ein Buch in englischer Sprache; das Sie während Ihres Sprachaufenthalts mitnehmen möchten. Wählen Sie ein Buch, das Sie in Ihrer Muttersprache gelesen haben, oder ein Buch zu Make your English Stay a great Success!

JLA, English and Adventure School ... "And then I realised, through adventure is the best way to learn"

10 English quotes that I’d like to share with you and say a big special thanks to this week’s English students (24th of July 2019), to the teachers and friends for your support and kindness in difficult moments. Lady “Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once” “The only impossible JLA, English and Adventure School … “And then I realised, through adventure is the best way to learn”

Learn more about Jersey Language Adventure